The Electronic reading room of the Unesco Group is
located in Ιουστινιανού 19 Street in Serres. It welcomes and provides
service for computer users who wish to be informed and to utilise the
digital library material of Unesco. The reading area has the
possibility of providing 2 working stations. Each working station has a
personal computer which is linked up to the Internet in order to have
feasible and worthwhile reasearch oppurtunitiy on different Unesco and
United Nations Websites.
The Electronic reading room is accessible during the
working hours of Unesco. The users have the possibility to print their
researchs. The cost of printing is the same as the cost in the free
market. Computer users have also the possibility to download and save
their work on the hard disc.
Maria Emmanoulidiou is the person responsible for the
reading room. Students, researchers and professors have the possibility
of collaborating with person in charge in order to discover sources
that they want to find using the Electronic Library.
Ιουστινιανού 19
62 123 Σέρρες
Tηλ: 23 21 0 – 20 59 3